Supported accommodation
Cambridge Cyrenians currently provide accommodation for over 100 homeless men and women, making up a third of all supported housing in the city.
As well as providing housing we also provide specialised support and services such as our Older Homeless Service, Allotment Community and Mental Health Service.
Most of our accommodation consists of small, shared houses, rather than large hostels, where residents are encouraged to take responsibility for their own lives. We believe it is important that residents have constructive influence over their accommodation and the decisions affecting their house.
Short stay
Our short-stay house provides single-room accommodation for eight men and women, with two live-in volunteers. This accommodation is designed to be temporary. Most residents have moved on within 12 months. Staff work with residents to assess their needs and assist them in accessing services, including move-on accommodation. Our short-stay house can also accommodate a resident with a dog.
Long stay
Our long-stay houses provide accommodation for individuals assessed as requiring significant support and unlikely to be able to maintain their own tenancy in the near future. These houses act as settled communities that provide a supported environment for individuals who are unlikely to want to live independently. Our long-stay accommodation is specifically for residents over the age of 50, but younger will be accommodated if the environment is suitable.
Housing First
We provide two Housing First flats in partnership with Cambridgeshire Housing First Project. The Housing First approach begins with establishing the individual in a stable home with no other conditions for housing and support; only that the resident wants to have a tenancy.
Women only
We current provide one women-only accommodation unit in Cambridge. We use a Psychology Informed Environment approach to ensure this house is a safe and secure environment for females.
Working houses
Our four working houses provide affordable accommodation for people in employment. These houses have phased support, with a Project Worker providing a consistent point of contact for residents, and help with finding independent tenancies.
Ex Offenders
We offer specialist accommodation for people who have been involved in the criminal justice system. Referrals are made directly by the prison, probation service and other services supporting ex-offenders. All residents are required to be engaged in work or other meaningful activity for at least three days a week.
Move on
Our move-on houses are mostly small, shared houses, each accommodating three or four residents. This accommodation assists residents to reach full independence and prepare for managing their own tenancy, with visiting Project Workers providing a low level of support. Residents are required to engage in some form of meaningful activity, whether it be work, volunteering, training or education.
Accessing our accommodation
If you are homeless and want to access accommodation with Cambridge Cyrenians you should first contact Cambridge City Council’s Housing Advice Team on 01223 457918. Cambridge City Council are best placed to refer you to an appropriate agency for accommodation to verify your local connection and advise you on the level of support available to you in the city. If you are referred to Cambridge Cyrenians, you should be aware there is a waiting list for all our houses, but we’ll do our best to accommodate you as soon as possible.
For more advice on navigating this process you can call the office on 01223 712501, send us an email or fill out the form here. Our office is open 9-5pm on weekdays. If you are concerned about someone who is homeless or rough sleeping you can inform the Street Outreach Team via the Streetlink website.